Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Metrosexual Guide to Style: A Handbook for the Modern Man

My cousin Peter, back in the day, introduced me to this book. I highly recommend it to any man trying to achieve the acclaimed status of a 21st Century Gentleman.

This book is full of tips on travel, grooming, decor, dining, dating, fitness, and a bunch more. Now I know you all must be laughing at this point thinking, "Walle reads this crap, OMG!" HEY, you who are laughing probably need this the most! Everyone wonders how I know so much random crap, well the secret people is I read stuff like this. This knowledge helps evolve mankind. Take a look and thank me later men.

Drink Milk

Monday, July 27, 2009

Ink Calendar

I saw this ink calendar on a site I read called fubiz. There is enough ink in the bottle for a whole month and it progressively diffuses each day. Pretty sweet in my book.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Miami Shout Out

Quick shout out to my boy PK who is livin his life in Miami. South Beach is definitely a place I want to hit up one day. Gorgeous beaches filled with gorgeous people... what could be better than that!? Fly back safe fellow member of the MLP Brain Trust!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Last night I went to the Rose Bowl to watch Chelsea FC play Inter Milan. It made me realize American fans are not passionate at all. Now I know the argument is real Football is not as popular in America, but this game drew the hardcore followers of both Chelsea and Inter. Even with 80,000 hardcore Football fans the environment and passion was barely felt. I just hope one day we can reach the level of passion that the Europeans have for their clubs with any of our sports teams.

Still trying to figure out the flow of my blog. Stay with me and I guarantee it will get better!

Monday, July 20, 2009


Today after dinner a couple friends and I were discussing dating. One friend in particular was talking about getting back in the game and the gang, the good friends we are, have made a pact to find her one. I have used initials for anonymity.

July 20th, 2009, in the year of our Lord

When a friend calls on another for help, we cannot leave that friend behind. We must, as decent human beings, pick them up off their feet and help them continue on the glorious path of life. We must experience, and help each other through, trials and tribulations together so that in the end we can come out stronger than before.

Today we, CC, PK, and WL, take an oath to aid our fellow friend in need, M_____ L_. We will continually seek the earth to find her a date that is worthy to be in her presence. We will use all our powers and resources to get her off the singles bench and back into the dating game.



So please, if you know any decent, well mannered, goal driven men, the Brain Trust will look at you candidates.

Walle World

I have been debating for a long time whether or not to start blogging and after dinner and dessert with some friends I have decided to finally launch my site. Welcome to Wally World!