Monday, July 20, 2009


Today after dinner a couple friends and I were discussing dating. One friend in particular was talking about getting back in the game and the gang, the good friends we are, have made a pact to find her one. I have used initials for anonymity.

July 20th, 2009, in the year of our Lord

When a friend calls on another for help, we cannot leave that friend behind. We must, as decent human beings, pick them up off their feet and help them continue on the glorious path of life. We must experience, and help each other through, trials and tribulations together so that in the end we can come out stronger than before.

Today we, CC, PK, and WL, take an oath to aid our fellow friend in need, M_____ L_. We will continually seek the earth to find her a date that is worthy to be in her presence. We will use all our powers and resources to get her off the singles bench and back into the dating game.



So please, if you know any decent, well mannered, goal driven men, the Brain Trust will look at you candidates.